Catholic Parish of Sacred Heart, Southend-on-Sea and St. John Fisher, Prittlewell
ABC - About Becoming a Catholic
The ABC Programme
Starts on Thursday 5th November at 7:30pm in Sacred Heart Hall. We follow the Sycamore course which is free online. Mass, Exposition and Benediction begins at 6:30pm
Each year a number of people join the Catholic Church in our parish through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) programme.
The RCIA course begins shortly after Easter each year, and the group meets twice a month on Wednesday evenings. Some of those who follow the course will be received into the Catholic Church at Easter in the following year, others may take longer to reach a firm decision for themselves, and all are welcome to join the course on a “no commitment” basis.
The RCIA course is open to adults who have never been baptised, or who have been baptised in another Christian Church. It may also be suitable for adult Catholics who have been baptised but not yet confirmed.